I am here to declare that I am a liberal.

I am a young white male who lives in Georgia and, yes, I am liberal. Not only a democrat but a liberal.

I started this blog to declare this.

I am fed up with radical, right-wing conservatives all over the media, especially on FOX News and talk radio. Unfortunately, their shows draw attention and followers. That’s why they continue to dominate the conversation. However, I have always been taught to think for myself. And I have.

I have come to the conclusion that these hosts harbor division, delay social progress and, ultimately, hinder the United States of America.

Don’t let them fool you. I’m not a socialist. I am a liberal who loves this country. But I also realize that it needs to work for more than just the 1%. Although I am not a part of the “Occupy” Movement, I do believe that Americans need to restack the deck to benefit the majority of us.

Moving toward the next presidential election, conservatives will try to convince you that Obama has done nothing but run up the national debt. This is false.

This blog is to invite you to take a look at Obama and compare him to any of the candidates running for the Republican bid. In my opinion, the choice is clear.
